Led by Marifatul Amalia, PhD student at the University of Edinburgh
This online workshop aims to provide the fundamental concepts of programme monitoring and evaluation. There are five components of programme evaluation and monitoring: 1) Needs assessment; 2) Theory of Change; 3) Process evaluation; 4) Impact evaluation; and 5) Cost-benefit analysis.
While we will briefly discuss all of those components, this workshop will focus on Theory of Change and process evaluation. Theory of Change will provide frameworks to understand how programmes (or policies) are expected to produce output, outcomes, and impact. Meanwhile, process evaluation is essential to ensure quality of programme implementation, as well as to explain the discrepancies (if any) between expected outcomes and observed outcomes.
This workshop will be divided into four sessions. The first session is a 45-minute presentation on the general overview of programme evaluation and the introduction to Theory of Change, followed by a 5-minute break. The second session is a 1-hour presentation on Theory of Change and process evaluation.
Participants will then be divided into breakout rooms to practice drafting a Theory of Change and Log Frame of a programme that they are planning to evaluate (45 minutes). The last 25 minutes of the workshop will be used for a whole-class discussion and reflections.
This workshop is expected to be an avenue for the academics, government institutions, private sectors, and non-profit organisations to share the programmes or policy priorities they would like to evaluate.