led by Dr Beth Cross, and Patricia Castellano Verdecia
If inclusion came as a flat pack what would the instructions look like?
There were many challenges to working online through covid, but this did also enable new forms of collaboration and allowed more flexible and accessible engagement for those with caring responsibilities, remotely located or coping with immune compromisation and other disabilities. For some online working provided more equitable experiences than they had previously encountered. As working habits again change, how can we keep the best of digital affordances and overcome the challenges that working in hybrid spaces may entail? Is there also a need to look at the pacing of work and other facets of wellbeing that Covid gave us a chance to re-examine? What happens when we are allowed a soft focus as well as a hard focus? If we have time to listen to rhythms and not just words?
The workshop will be an opportunity for participants interested in digital practices, action research, co-produced research, visual methods and inclusive and accessible research. We will work in small groups, share activities via jamboard with an aim to sketch out what a manifesto for an Inclusive New Normal will look like, but, maybe more importantly, what the manual might need to detail to make the manifesto actionable.
The workshop will be facilitated in a hybrid mode with in person and online participants both welcome, in order to experiment and refine hybrid practice. We will check technical facilities with online participants before the workshop, and will host a Social Space in the run up to the event where we can share experiences, suggestions and tips. On the day we invite you to engage with crowd sourcing visual techniques to:
* share perspectives,
* analyse needs and opportunities and
* describe more inclusive research practices and space.
We will explore what will make the research community here in Scotland inclusive and accessible for you, but also, drawing on the collective experiences of everyone in the workshop, explore how practices as well as digital resources can better make that a reality more widely.
The workshop will be led by Dr Beth Cross who has an abiding interest in inclusion, co-production and empowerment. Beth will be supported by Patricia Castellano Verdecia and Diane Gill. Patricia is a PhD student who is passionate about inclusion and student retention in higher education and is eager to understand what makes good hybrid delivery. Diane leads the professional side of SGSSS and is passionate about valuing the diversity of the SGSSS population through minimising any barriers to participation throughout the PhD experience.