Join Michelle Jamieson and Tawnya Renelle for an exciting session on integrating creativity into your research.
This workshop will cover some theory of reflexivity, the history, and how this could benefit you. We will make use of creative writing practices to allow quantitative researchers to begin or deepen their reflexive practice in the context of their work, and personal lives and the cyclical relationship and subsequent impact this can have. Introducing researchers to hybrid and experimental writing exercises will encourage them to participate in playful ways with their qualitative practice. We will offer prompts that include “Putting the ‘I’ back into the Gibb Cycle” imaginative writing about statistics, and prompts that encourage creative writing as a tool for processing more academic work.
We understand this process will be new to many of the participants and have specifically designed the workshop to be encouraging and accessible.
This 3 hour SGSSS-funded workshop will take place on Tuesday 22nd September via Zoom.